Biratnagar, June 15 – Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning in Province 1 Indra Bahadur Aangbole on Friday presented Rs 36 billion budget for the fiscal year 2018/19. Under the budget that was presented in the Provincial Assembly meeting on Friday, Rs 14.9 billion has been allocated under the current expenditure, while Rs 18.5 billion under capital expenditure.
The budget prioritises implementation of land utilization policy and setup of a subsidy fund to create employment opportunities in agriculture and make agriculture self-reliant. The fund also aims to provide loan to farmers at a low interest rate.
Pokhara, June 15 – Province 4 has unveiled the budget of Rs 24 billion for the fiscal year 2018/19.
In the meeting of the provincial assembly on Friday, Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning Kiran Gurung presented the budget allocating Rs 6.91 billion for the current and Rs 15.90 billion for the capital expenditure.