इङल्याण्डबाट बाह्य यात्रा गर्ने सूची पुनरावलोकन, नेपाल अझै रेड लिष्टमा

Source: BBC

लण्डन । इङल्याण्डबाट बाह्य यात्रा गर्नका लागि कोभिड १९ को जोखिम भएका मुलुकहरुको सूची पुनरावलोकन गरेको छ।

बेलायतको यातायात मन्त्रालयले विहीबार सार्वजनिक गरेको सूचीमा माल्टा, बारबाडोस लगायतका क्यारेबियन आइल्याण्डहरुलाई ग्रीन लिष्टमा राखेको छ । नयाँ सूची जुन ३० बिहान ४ बजेबाट कार्यान्वयनमा आउने छ ।

भारत, नेपाल, कतार, युएई, ओमान, टर्की, बहराइन लगायतका मुलुकहरु अझै रेड लिष्टमा छन् । साथै ६ वटा मुलुकलाई इङल्याण्डले रेड लिष्टमा राखेको छ ।

रेड लिष्टमा रहेका मुलुकहरुबाट बेलायती नागरिक वा बेलायतको आवासीय अधिकार पाएकाहरुले मात्र बेलायत आउन पाउँछन् तर यात्रा गर्नअघि कोभिड टेष्ट गर्नु पर्नेछ । यस्तै बेलायत आएपछि १० दिन होटलमा क्वारेन्टाइनमा बस्नुका साथै सो अवधिमा दुईपटक कोभिड टेष्ट बुक पनि गर्नु पर्नेछ । यस्तै सो अवधि पछि पनि खोजेको बेला भेट्न सकिने फाराम भर्नुपर्नेछ ।

रेड लिष्टमा रहेका मुलुकमा यात्रा नगर्न सरकारले सुझाव दिएको छ ।

यस्तै एम्बर लिष्टमा रहेका मुलुकबाट इङल्याण्ड आउँदा भने घरमै क्वारेन्टाइनमा बसे पुग्छ । यसका साथै दुईपटक कोभिड टेष्ट पनि गर्नुपर्नेछ ।

उता ग्रीन लिष्टमा रहेका मुलुकहरुबाट इङल्याण्ड आउँदा भने कोभिड टेष्ट पोजिटिभ नआएसम्म क्वारेन्टाइनमा बस्न पर्दैन । यस लिष्टमा निम्न मुलुकहरु रहेका छन् ।

Green list of countries and territories

Green list Green watchlist and upcoming changes to the green list
Anguilla Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Antigua and Barbuda Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Balearic islands (Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca) Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules. Mainland Spain and the Canary Islands will stay on the amber list.
Barbados Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Bermuda Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
British Antarctic Territory Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
British Indian Ocean Territory Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
British Virgin Islands Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Cayman Islands Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Dominica Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
Grenada Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Israel and Jerusalem Green watchlist – at risk of moving from green to amber.
Madeira Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules. Mainland Portugal and the Azores will stay on the amber list.
Malta Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
Montserrat Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
New Zealand
Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Turks and Caicos Islands Will move to the green list 4am, Wednesday 30 June. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the amber list rules.




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